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Blessed Be Those Who Seek Sanctuary

Hello, all. I'm Morgan and this is my site for all those who are wanting to learn about Wicca, Vampires, Ghosts, and all other types of paranormal things.


March 26, 2004

  • Sorry, but I'm taking the poems page off. :^(

March 24, 2004

  • I'm back!
  • Worked on the BOS today. It isn't completely finished yet, but at the moment it's as far as I plan to go. Basically until I figure out what to put next. The link is on the Wicca Page or you can click here.

January, 31, 2004

I'm having problems right now, so there won't be any updates for a little while. Keep checking back, or if you want to be informed you can e-mail me at morgan_gravestone@hotmail or at morgan_gravestone@yahoo.com. I'll let you know the next time I update, if you're interested.

Just put in the subject, Parasanctuary please.






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It says it all doesn't it?