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Everyone has their own views of the history of their religion.

The Christians like to believe that there was nothing on this earth before Adam and Eve were "created". There was once proof in the Christians Bible that Pagans (or Other People) were around before even Adam and Eve (if they existed at all). But Christians over the years needed to prove to themselves that anyone who didn't worship their God was evil. So they revised their Bible to cut certian things out.  

To learn more about this go to We Are The Other People. By Oberon (Otter) Zell.

Upcoming Things

Currently I'm working on a Book Of Shadows.

Freeservers only gives each website a certian amount of space, so I'm building the BOS on another website. It's not finished completly yet, but here's the link so if you want you can go check it out. Just click on the picture below and it'll take you to the BOS.