Hollywood Vampire Pictures
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Some of my favorite Vampires....

I promise you, there will probably be other pictures of vampires in here as soon as I can find pictures for them. I haven't had time to search for any new pictures so this will have to make due.

Found on webshots.

Lestat De Lioncourt

With Marius, Jessica, and Santanios (I think those are spelled right). From Queen of the Damned. 

Lestat Again

A better, closer picture of Lestat from Queen Of The Damned. I love this picture.


From Interview With The Vampire. I love this picture too.

Again Lestat

From Interview With The Vampire.


From Queen Of The Damned. He's another cute one.


Doesn't he just make you wish he would sink his teeth into you?

Lestat and Marius

Aren't they just so cute?